Ann Linge will lead Sunday’s church service for First Parish Northfield. She has prepared a Chalice Circle focusing on the theme “Easter as Transformation.” Participants will be invited to reflect on the theme and share their own experiences of the Easter holiday. The service will begin at 10 am at the church on the corner of Parker Avenue and Main Street, Northfield.
To Cross a Desert
Rev. Evin Carvill Ziemer will lead tomorrow’s service for First Parish under the title “To Cross a Desert.” The service begins at 10 am at the church and on Zoom. Rev. Evin will reflect on the story of Exodus and the challenges the escaping people faced after leaving Egypt and not yet finding a home. This service is appropriate for all ages and will center storytelling.
Please join us in person at First Parish in Northfield or on Zoom at 10am. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer: Sunday, 17 March 2024, 10 am
The nature of human being is to grow. We are always growing, changing, transforming. How do you hope to be transformed in your own life? How do you hope we will be transformed, collectively? And how can we contribute to transformation? These are some questions we shall consider this Sunday as we explore together the spiritual value of transformation. Please join us in person at First Parish in Northfield or on Zoom at 10am. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
Community Potluck & Story Sharing
On March 10, in place of our 10:00 AM, Sunday service, our church community will gather for an old-fashioned New England potluck. Delicious food will be seasoned with conversation, to share what we individually and collectively appreciate about First Parish. We would like to personally invite you to join us.
Everyone, who has attended or been a member of the church, has a story to tell about what attracted them to this church building and its community. The date of your story does not matter, what does matter is that your voice be a part of the conversation. These conversations will be valuable to guide First Parish as we strive to better serve our community.
We hope your schedule permits you to join us. We would love to welcome you.
Invisible Means of Support
Dan Tinen: Invisible Means of Support, Sunday, March 3
A few months after I moved from California to Massachusetts in 1998, something happened that gave me a new insight into life in the country, and the people who live here. I’ll tell you all about it from Seattle over Zoom to the sanctuary on Main Street. Please join us at 10 am in person at the church or online. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
Topic: First Parish Northfield Sunday Service
Time: 10 am Sunday, March 3
Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer: Last month I offered a reflection on the proposal to name Love as the center of our shared faith values. With an interactive story for all ages, a helpful graphic and the voice of one of our leading theologians and thoughtful liturgists, this month we’ll explore the values of justice and equity. This service is crafted with people of all ages in mind and will be offered at 10am on Sunday, February 25th, at First Parish in Northfield, and on Zoom. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
Inspiration and Focus
“Inspiration and Focus” is the theme of tomorrow’s Sunday’s Chalice Circle.Marcus Graly will lead us in an examination of what motivates us to choose our path in life and how we might balance our time and energy between competing interests and distractions. To participate in this service of reflection and sharing, join us at the church on Sunday February 18th at 10 am. {Photo credit: Fiona Bird}
What Drives Us to Action?
Tomorrow morning the Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn will examine the question “What Drives Us to Action?” when she leads the church service for First Parish at 10 am at the church (corner of Main St and Parker Ave, Northfield). Rev. Silberman-Bunn asks, What makes the difference between what we care about and what we care enough about to take action?
Reverend Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist. Julie-Ann was ordained in 1992 and since then has served six congregations in five states, as a Parish Minister, Religious Educator, and Minister for Pastoral Care. She has also worked as a Hospital and Hospice Chaplain. Julie-Ann and her husband Ken live in the foothills of the Berkshires in Western Mass with their rescued Maine Coon cat Miss Honey.
To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
“But, How Do You Know?”
On Sunday, February 4, Lay Reader Dan Tinen will lead our service, delivering the next in his monthly series of sermons. The service will begin at 10 am, and Dan will be live at the church (instead of coming to us by videoconference from his home in Seattle). Although he will speak from the First Parish pulpit, the service will also be available on Zoom. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.
More details:
“But, How Do You Know?”
Openness to new ideas is a hallmark of liberalism, and of Unitarian Universalists in particular. But in a time when artificial intelligence is making it harder and harder to trust even our own eyes and ears, how can we distinguish reality from delusion while understanding that absolute truth may be the most dangerous delusion of all?
Lay Reader Dan Tinen will lead the 10 am service at the church. Participants may also join the service on Zoom.